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Educación Canina 
y en-línea 

Doctor Loulittle Dog Training se estableció en 2015 para ayudar a los perros a mejorar sus relaciones con sus dueños.

Trabajo para enriquecer la vida de los perros y utilizo recompensas motivadoras para reforzar los comportamientos que deseas ver, centrándome en el bienestar de tu perro. Mis métodos de entrenamiento no incluyen ninguna forma de intimidación, miedo o dolor.

Ofrezco clases en línea y también sesiones presenciales en mi jardín a prueba de cachorros en Meco. También brindo visitas a domicilio en Alcalá de Henares y sus alrededores. Si deseas saber si cubro tu área, no dudes en ponerte en contacto.


Mi inmersión en el mundo de la educación canina comenzó con una cachorra de acogida llamada Cailín.

Doctor Loulittle de pie en un parque con el sol al fondo, pidiéndole a su Perro de Agua Español negro que descanse sus patas en su brazo ¦ Entrenamiento canino en inglés y español en Madrid y en línea

No tenía ni la menor sospecha de que esta pequeña y temerosa bolita de rizos iba a marcar un antes y un después en mi vida.

Mientras me esforzaba por enseñarle a Cailín, me di cuenta de que, en realidad, era ella quien me estaba enseñando a mí. Mi compromiso de ayudarla se transformó en un camino para asistir a otros perros y sus dueños también.


Elige la mejor opción para ti

Todas las consultas incluyen un correo electrónico con un resumen de lo que cubrimos en la sesión, así como recursos y apoyo de seguimiento, por lo que si tienes alguna pregunta o duda, solo tienes que enviarme un mensaje.

Mi calendario se llena bastante rápido, así que si deseas reservar un horario recurrente, solo avísame y podrás reservar varias sesiones a la vez.

White line drawing of a terrier dog ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online


Doctor Loulittle and her black Spanish Water Dog lying on the grass looking at the book Inside of a Dog ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online

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Doctor Loulittle in Parque La Gavia reaching out her hand and asking her Spanish Water Dog to jump up for a treat ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online

Entrenándote para entrenar a tu perro

Mi objetivo es trabajar contigo para brindarte las habilidades, el conocimiento y el apoyo que necesitas para entrenar a tu perro en el día a día.


de Doctor Loulittle Dog Training

Cailín the black Spanish Water Dog ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online


La Maestra

Louise Feaheny AKA Doctor Loulittle. A woman with red curly smiles at the camera ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online


La Educadora

A small grey terrier with big eyes and a pink collar ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online


El Perro Comodín

A family of a man, a woman and a baby sit with their three cats and two dogs ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online

Hola, ¡Soy Lou!

Sobre mí

He estudiado con diversas organizaciones en España, Irlanda, el Reino Unido y en línea. Aprobé mi evaluación con distinción de IMDT y soy una instructora cualificada de The Real Dog Yoga

En mi tiempo libre (que no es mucho), hago trabajo voluntario en refugios y, en los últimos años, he acogido a más de 100 cachorros y gatitos alimentados con biberón. También dirijo Madrid Pet Lovers para ayudar a los refugios a encontrar hogares de acogida y adopciones para los animales a su cuidado.

Soy irlandesa, pero me mudé a Madrid en 2013. Vivo en Meco con mi esposo Jack (muy paciente) y nuestras pequeñas Fía y Ellie, además de nuestra familia peluda compuesta por dos perros, Cailín y Mango; tres gatos, Beatrice Summer, Garfield y Dorothy; nuestra chinchilla Rocky; y dos conejos, Burger Bunny y Sid Vicious.

Inglés y español

Todos los servicios están disponibles en inglés y español.

All of my services are available in English & Spanish.

Sesiones en línea

Ofrezco servicios de entrenamiento en línea a clientes de todo el mundo.

Sin importar dónde te encuentres, podemos trabajar desde la comodidad de tu hogar.

Clases en persona

Realizo sesiones de entrenamiento en persona en mi jardín a prueba de cachorros en Meco.

Este es un área segura diseñada para permitir que tu perro tenga la libertad de explorar y jugar.

También realizo visitas a domicilio en Alcalá de Henares, Meco y sus alrededores.

Todos los perros son bienvenidos

Tengo experiencia con cachorros y perros de todas las edades y razas.

También he trabajado con muchos perros nerviosos y miedosos, por lo que su seguridad es mi prioridad.



A bodeguero and a grey galgo lying on a yoga mat awaiting a treat ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online
Kaitlyn, Hippy y Sombra

Tener a Lou como un recurso digital realmente ha sido un salvavidas y me ha ayudado a mejorar no solo el comportamiento de mis perros, sino nuestro bienestar colectivo. Recomiendo altamente los servicios de Lou, tanto en persona si es posible, como de forma remota. ¡100 de 10!

black and white French bulldog sitting on a chair ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online
Daniela y Brando

Hice un curso grupal en el Retiro con Louise (la Doctora Loulittle) hace unos meses y me quedé encantada con su metodología de adiestramiento y su don de gente. Gracias a ella la relación entre mi perro y yo ha mejorado muchísimo, así como su obediencia.

Un lindo cruce de Papillon marrón y blanco ¦ Adiestramiento canino en inglés y español en Madrid y online
Daniela y Max

Algunas personas tienen un trabajo, y otras tienen una vocación. Es obvio que Lou nació para trabajar con animales, y el hecho de que haya estudiado y dedicado años a su oficio es evidente.

Stop-Start Signals in Grooming

Stop-Start Signals in Grooming

Using stop-start signals for grooming. Cailín hates having her hair cut. It's something that has to be done every 5/6 months, so I've had to work on teaching her to tolerate it, even if she doesn't like it. In the past I've taken her to groomers, but found that working with her at home ends up being a lot less stressful for her (even if the haircut doesn't turn out as well!) I've worked on giving her a way to say when she's ready and when she wants to stop. It means that she's a lot more cooperative and the whole process is much easier than just trying to restrain her to get it done. In this case, I'm using a chin rest on the stool. When her chin is resting, I can go ahead, but when she moves away from the stool, I stop. She does take breaks, and I reinforce the breaks as well as reinforcing her for allowing me to keep working. I managed to get her completely clipped last night in a couple of hours. I clipped her body and scissored her face and legs. It's not the best job, but she's happy- and if she's happy, then I'm happy! When I was working on her legs, I used a Lickimat. It's not my preferred method, as I prefer her to opt in, rather than just distracting her, but it was a long time to ask her to stand still without moving much, and by the end of the evening we were both tired and I wanted to get it finished. I remember the first time Jack tried to dry her with a towel, when she was around 8 months old. She went for the towel, and he got a horrible fright. We used to have to muzzle her every time she needed any kind of formal handling done, so this is massive progress for her. Proud of you, girly ❤️
What is Clicker Training?

What is Clicker Training?

What is Clicker Training? Clicker training is a form of animal training using a clicker and positive reinforcers. A clicker is a small device that makes a “click” sound when you press it. There are a few different types- button clickers, box clickers, even ones that are shaped like rings, but they all work the same way. Some of them have a wrist strap too, so you don’t drop them. Clicker training is a really clear way of communicating to our animals what it is exactly what we want them to do. When we’re training, and they do something that we like, we click, and then give them a piece of food. The click is like a Polaroid camera taking a photo of exactly what they were doing in that second. Then, the food comes as their reward. Clicker training allows us to capture minute movements. One way that it can be used is in free-shaping. This is where we reward the dog for taking baby steps towards a final, complete behaviour. For example, if I want a dog to stand in a cardboard box, I’ll first click and reward for looking at the box, then for moving towards it, then for sniffing it, putting their nose in, putting a foot in, two feet… Until eventually the dog is standing in the box. By using the clicker, we can capture the exact second that the dog looks at the box, and we can reward them for that. It’s super clear and can help to speed up learning. It’s also a wonderful way to build confidence and to encourage our learners to think. We use clickers in The Real Dog Yoga training to reinforce the dog for very small movements. When teaching a neck stretch, we first start by clicking for looking in the direction, and then we start to ask for more and more from the dog and we wait for them to offer a larger stretch and more duration. When using a clicker, it gives us a few seconds between marking the behaviour with the click, and putting our hand into the treat pouch to deliver the treat to the dog’s mouth. A primary reinforcer is something that is intrinsically reinforcing to the dog- something that they absolutely LOVE. Like food, for example. When they eat, it releases feel-good hormones in the brain, like us eating a bar of chocolate. With enough repetition, they start to predict the food once they hear the click, so the clicker becomes what we call a Secondary Reinforcer. Ok, so what does this mean? Basically, when we first introduce the clicker, it’s a neutral stimulus. This means that it means absolutely nothing to the dog. They’re like, “Oh hey, a click, whatever.” By pairing it with the food, they learn that click = food, and their brain starts to have the same reaction to the noise of the clicker as it does to the food. Clicker training is used in different species across the world, not just with dogs. They’ve used it for permissive handling for wild animals like tigers and crocodiles, and I’ve used it with cats, rabbits and even donkeys. So, why don’t we just say, “Good boy!” The reason why we tend to use a clicker is in precision training. A click lasts a split second, whereas by the time we’ve finished saying, “Oh who’s the best boy in the whole world!?” the dog has already stopped what they’re doing and they’re now spinning in circles, in excitement. The clicker allows us to take a snapshot of the exact behaviour in a fraction of a second. It’s also consistent. It sounds the same every time that you click it, whereas when using our voice, there are always going to be inconsistencies. It’s also emotionless, which can be great when working with nervous dogs, noise-sensitive animals, dogs who perhaps don’t like a man’s voice. For a dog who gets really excited with praise or our voices, it’s also a nice way to bring down that excitement level. So, I hope this has given you a basic understanding of the clicker and why we use it. If you have any questions about it, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Happy training :)
The camera looks down at a black Spanish Water Dog in middle position ¦ English & Spanish dog training in Madrid and online


Meco 28880,
Madrid, Spain

+34 657612412​

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